Charles Greathouse on Wed, 27 Sep 2023 14:29:32 +0200

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Re: primorial operator '#' for GP?

I would definitely use a # operator if it were added. But I don’t mind the decision to leave the operator space clean; there are a lot of use cases for PARI/GP and clutter is a real concern.

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 8:15 AM <> wrote:
On 2023-09-25 10:09, Bill Allombert wrote:
> Better do
> ? vecprod(primes([1,11]))
> %1 = 2310
OK, I will use this for now:

? primorial(x)=vecprod(primes([1,x]));
? primorial(11)
%4 = 2310

>> Any chance to see "#" as operator in GP like "!"?
>> ? 11#
>>   ***   syntax error, unexpected '#', expecting end of file: 11#
>>   ***                                                          ^-
> I suppose we could add a primorial() function but adding a new operator
> would
> be a bit too much.
There are 160 matches for "#" in list of 5000 largest primes:

  rank  description                     digits   who   year comment
-----  ------------------------------- -------- ----- ----
   456  3267113#-1                       1418398 p301  2021 Primorial
  5740  113225039190926127209*2339#/57057+7
                                            1002 c88   2021 Septuplet (3)

I understand the "a bit too much" statement.
But it would be nice if just copying 2nd column "as is" would work in GP

