Bill Allombert on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 20:14:31 +0100

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Please test pari-2.15.5 prerelease 1

Dear PARI developers,

We have made available a prerelease of PARI 2.15.5 (stable).

Please test there are no regressions!

The expected release date is on 23/02/2024.

Please test the prerelease tarball:

The digital signature is 

Please test the 64bit Windows installer:

I have also built the 32bit Windows installer:

and the following standalone Windows binaries:



64bit, multithreaded
I will provide link to MacOS binaries later.

For intel-based mac:

the following MacOS DMG:


the following MacOS stand-alone binaries:

For arm-based ("Apple silicon") mac


the following MacOS stand-alone binaries:

On behalf of the PARI Group,

Bug numbers refer to the BTS at

[last column crossreferences current development release 2.16.1]
Done for version 2.15.5 (released 23/02/2024):
BA  1- ellisomat/nf could miss isogenies of degree dividing the conductor [F22]
    2- mfcoef(mftwist(f,D), ...) wrong result [#2484]                     [F23]
    3- 'path' broken when initial or trailing ':'                         [F25]
    4- snfrank([1],0) -> 1 [instead of 0].                                [F26]
    5- snfrank(vector of polynomials, 0) -> error                         [F27]
    6- strjoin([1]) -> memory corruption                                  [F29]
    7- qfbclassno(684) -> oo loop [#2491]                                 [F30]
    8- gcd(x-1,(x-1)/x) -> 1/x                                            [F31]
PMo 9- mftonew was wrong on oldspace -> remove mfbd layer                 [F32]
BA 10- rnf.p did not work                                                 [F33]
   11- expm1(tiny negative t_REAL) -> stack overflow                      [F34]
   12- expm1(huge t_REAL) -> junk [#2494]                                 [F35]
BA 13- hyperellratpoints(9*x^2,3) -> SEGV                                 [F36]
   14- lambertw for 2-adics (also fix documentation)                      [F37]
BA 15- plotbox, plotrbox did not clip properly                            [F38]
BA 16- ellheight for non-minimal curve over a number field ->wrong result [F39]
   17- hypergeom(t_POL parameters, z) -> type error [#2515]               [F41]
   18- polrootsreal(0E10*x + 0E10) -> SEGV [#2516]                        [F42]
BA 19- memory leak when using member functions and ~ arguments. [#2513]   [F43]
   20- idealstar(nf,id,,MOD).cyc was not reduced modulo MOD               [F44]