hermann on Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:35:37 +0200

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Re: Abnormous memory use for gaussian gcd()?

On 2023-06-07 18:44, Bill Allombert wrote:
I have made a git branch bill-gmppow where you can do
install(gmppow,GGG) to use mpz_powm

I have done some tests:
p = 65516468355 * 2 ^ 333333 + 1;
PARI Fp_pow:
19min, 1,255 ms
16min, 8,960 ms
Then I tried:
? S=sqrt(Mod(-1,p));
  ***   last result computed in 52min, 3,954 ms.
which looks like a bug.
This is due to misuses of Cipolla algorithm.
We should fix it.

Thank you for the libgmp powm() tests.

I did compute the powm() times for C++ with libgmpxx and Python with gmpy2 before. Please see bottom diagram here:
My Linux i7-11850H CPU did need less than 10min for powm(rnd, p/4, p) for the 100355-digit prime, and more than 3h for the 388342-digit prime.

Since your runtimes are longer, what CPU did you run your tests on?

Over the night I did compute "qfbcornacchia(1, p)" for the 388342-digit (biggest know twin) prime, after I rebooted, without GUI in Linux console. Slighly less than 11h, which might be OK for that big prime number. Part of photo, scaled down to 30% size:
So the Pari/GP "qfbcornacchia(1, p)" runtime is more than 3x longer than one "powm()" try. Since half of the numbers in Z/pZ are quadratic non-residues, expected runtime for "powm()" is 2*3:04h=6:08h. Because of the millisecond transformations determining sum of squares and sqrtm1 are "the same". I don't know whether "qfbcornacchia(1, p)" has expected runtime as well.

I used this:
$ cat 388342_qfbcornacchia.gp
assert(b, v, s) = { if(!(b), error(Str(v) Str(s))); }

p = 2996863034895 * 2 ^ 1290000 + 1;
print(#digits(p), "-digit prime p");

print("qfbcornacchia(1, p)");
[x,y] = qfbcornacchia(1, p);
assert(x^2 + y^2 == p, "x,y", " not sum of squares");

sqrtm1 = lift(Mod(x/y, p));
assert(Mod(sqrtm1^2, p) == Mod(p - 1, p), "sqrtm1", " not as needed");



Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt.