hermann on Fri, 17 Nov 2023 00:10:15 +0100

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Re: Question on ternary quadratic form

On 2023-11-16 23:28, Bill Allombert wrote:

If you want all the solutions, no, there are too many of them.
If you need only one solution, you can use my script


I think your "threesquares()" in that script is faster than American Citizen's code.

But I determined sum of 4 squares for Mersenne primes M_p=2^p-1
(they do not have sum of 3 squares representation).

Your "foursquares()" takes 21ms for M_1279.
But I had to stop it after more than an hour for M_2203 on i7-11850H CPU.

Latest tqf.gp gist
takes less than 1s for M_p with p<=9689(!).

For bigger Mersenne primes find runtime table here:
(as well as next tuning step for processing even larger Mersenne primes)

