hermann on Fri, 01 Dec 2023 10:40:57 +0100

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Re: foursquares.gp

On 2023-12-01 09:54, Bill Allombert wrote:
Let N=p*q with p,q arbitrary prime.
If you manage to write N = a^2+b^2, you prove that both p and q are 1 mod 4.
But this is not something we know about a RSA number a priori.
So I do not think anybody knows the answer.


You are right, I did post my query wrong.

For the factored sofar RSA numbers we know when both prime factors are 1 mod 4:

? foreach(RSA.factored([1,1]),r,[l,n]=r;print1(l," ");)
59 129 180 230 768

Only for the unfactored sofar we do not know, these are the only [1,1] candidates:

? foreach(RSA.unfactored(1),r,[l,n]=r;print1(l," ");)
280 309 310 320 340 360 370 390 400 430 450 460 1536 470 500 617 2048

So to make my twosquares question more precise, is there an algorithm
that can compute one of the two sums of squares for RSA-129 in time <1h?

Knowing factorization allows to compute both sum of two squares in milliseconds:

$ gp -q RSA_numbers_factored.gp
? r=RSA.get(129);
? [l,n,p,q]=r;
? l==#digits(n)&&n==p*q
? [e,f]=RSA.square_sums(r);
? ##
  ***   last result: cpu time 27 ms, real time 37 ms.
? [a,b]=e;[c,d]=f;
? (a^2+b^2)==n&&(c^2+d^2)==n
? #Set([a,b,c,d])
? e
[4884133573015746876620685320022337791674591352270255994218129815, 9514560683438269061040235120994472790697558813773717993532826646]

RSA.square_sums() uses Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity to compute from sum of two
squares of each prime factor.

Sum of two squares for prime from sqrt(-1) (mod p) can be determined
super efficiently with halfgcd(), but current implementation uses ggcd() instead:

\\  """determine pair of numbers, their squares summing up to p"""
    assert(p>1&&p%4==1,p," not 1 (mod 4)");

