Max Alekseyev on Thu, 08 Feb 2024 01:53:08 +0100

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Re: Looping over ordered partitions

Hi Charles,

Ordered partitions are called compositions, and they can be generated using the "stars and bars" approach. This is how we can get all compositions of s into k parts:

forvec(v=vector(k-1,i,[0,s]), c=vector(k,i,if(i<k,v[i],s)-if(i>1,v[i-1],0)); print(c); ,1);

Note that zero parts are allowed. If all parts must be positive, then use 

forvec(v=vector(k-1,i,[1,s-1]), c=vector(k,i,if(i<k,v[i],s)-if(i>1,v[i-1],0)); print(c); ,2);


On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 12:03 PM Charles Greathouse <> wrote:
The looping commands force and forpart are very convenient. I have a problem I was working on which is looking for the smallest vector (in terms of vecsum) with a certain property. What is the best way to perform such a search in PARI/GP?

In my case I have dimension/vector length 11 and sum < 31. (I have an instance with sum 31 but it's probably not optimal.)

I can do a forvec, but even forvec(v=vector(11,i,[1,7]), ...) takes a long time (and spends a lot of time looking at values with sum > 30), and I miss instances with numbers larger than 7. Or else I can use forpart but then I need to permute the values (and in my case I definitely have duplicate values, so naive 11! permutations are wasteful and slow).

(I'm not asking for any new commands here, just the best way to solve my problem at hand.)