Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - FlxqE.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29990-24a3d4768e) Lines: 865 926 93.4 %
Date: 2025-02-11 09:12:34 Functions: 86 91 94.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
FlxqE_add 0
FlxqE_dbl 0
FlxqE_sub 0
Flxq_ellcard_Kedlaya 0
Flxq_ellj_to_a4a6 0
FlxqE_weilpairing 21
Flxq_ellcard_Harley 21
get_trace_Robert 21
FlxqE_log 49
get_FlxqE_group 61
FlxqE_tatepairing 63
Fl_ellheightabovefloor 147
Fl_ellj_trace 350
Fl_end13 350
RgX_is_monic_ZX 350
polisclass 357
Flxq_ffellcard 454
Flxq_ellcard_naive 903
FlxqE_neg 1193
FlxqE_order 1470
FlxqE_Miller_add 4173
FlxqE_chord_update 4173
Flxq_ellcard_Shanks 4774
Flxq_ellpoint 5567
_FlxqE_order 5567
_FlxqE_order_multiple 5567
F3xq_ellcard_naive 6188
FlxqE_neg_i 6826
_FlxqE_sub 6826
_teich_lin 8953
F3xq_ellcardj 9212
Teichmuller_lift 10234
closest_lift 10341
ZpXQ_sqrtnorm_pcyc 11102
Flxq_ellcard_Satoh 11151
ZpXQ_norm_pcyc 11340
Flxq_kronecker 11609
ZpXQ_sqrtnorm 13951
Flxq_ellgens 14370
_FlxqE_pairorder 14492
FlxqE_weilpairing_pre 14513
Flxq_ellcardj 15827
FlxqE_Miller 17763
_teich_invd 20559
_teich_iter 20559
F3xq_ellcard 20993
Flxq_ellgroup 22294
ZpXQ_norm_sqr 22715
Flxq_elltwist 22834
nonsquare_Flxq 22834
_lift_lin 23744
Flxq_ellcard_Kohel 25032
fill_pols 25032
get_Kohel_polynomials 25032
getc2 25032
get_norm 25053
lift_isogeny 25053
FlxqE_Miller_line 29343
_teich_invl 29512
zx_is_pcyc 32458
ZpXQ_norm_mul 32823
FlxqE_Miller_dbl 47082
FlxqE_tangent_update 47082
Flxq_ellj 57313
_lift_invd 60333
_lift_iter 60333
Flxq_ellcard 62675
Flxq_ellcard_i 62675
FlxqE_mul 64068
Flx_next 64365
Flx_renormalize_ip 64365
FlxqE_changepointinv 65804
RgE_to_FlxqE 65804
FlxqE_vert 69108
_FlxqE_rand 74084
RgX_circular_shallow 76251
ZpXQ_frob_cyc 76251
random_F3xqE 76930
random_FlxqE 76941
_lift_invl 84077
ZpXQ_frob 113610
FpXC_powderiv 120708
random_FlxqE_pre 151025
FlxqE_changepoint 157822
FpM_FpXQV_bilinear 181041
FpM_FpXV_bilinear 181041
_FlxqE_mul 308960
_FlxqE_add 722097
FlxqE_add_slope 731693
_FlxqE_dbl 1576290
FlxqE_dbl_slope 1607131

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16