Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - FpE.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30072-2ccdc2326c) Lines: 1089 1195 91.1 %
Date: 2025-03-12 09:19:58 Functions: 121 129 93.8 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
FpE_neg_i 0
FpE_sub 0
FpJ_neg 0
FpXQE_log 0
FpXQE_neg_i 0
FpXQE_sub 0
Fp_ellpoint 0
Fp_elltwist 0
FpE_Miller_add 4
FpE_chord_update 4
FpXQE_tatepairing 7
FpXQ_ellcard_supersingular 7
FpXQ_is4power 7
FpXQ_ellgens 8
FpXQ_ffellcard 8
FpXQE_order 14
FpXQ_ellgroup 15
get_FpXQE_group 16
Fq_ellcard_supersingular 21
_FpXQE_pairorder 21
FpXQE_weilpairing 28
FpE_Miller 44
FpE_Miller_line 45
FpE_log 49
FpXQE_Miller 63
Fp_ellcard_Shanks 79
get_table_size 79
FpE_Miller_dbl 92
FpE_tangent_update 92
Fp_ellj 98
ap_j8000 126
FpE_vert 140
ap_j287496 140
_FpXQE_rand 147
FpE_tatepairing 203
random_nonsquare_Fp 420
Fp_path_extends_to_floor 448
FpXQE_Miller_add 567
FpXQE_chord_update 567
Fp_ellgens 574
FpE_order 737
FpXQ_elltwist 840
random_nonsquare_FpXQ 840
get_FpE_group 903
FpXQE_mul 934
FpXQE_changepointinv 976
RgE_to_FpXQE 976
Fq_elljissupersingular 1050
FpE_to_mod 1054
random_FpXQE 1081
Fp_ellj_to_a4a6 1106
ellsupersingularj_easy_FpXQ 1183
find_inert_disc 1183
ellsupersingularj_FpXQ 1204
FpX_quad_root 1230
FpE_mul 1316
ap_cm 1344
FpXQ_ellcardj 1687
FpXQ_ellj 1718
FpE_changepoint 1726
FpXQE_changepoint 1876
FpE_changepointinv 2734
RgE_to_FpE 2734
Fp_jissupersingular 2767
Fp_elljissupersingular 3759
FpXQE_Miller_dbl 4158
FpXQE_tangent_update 4158
FpXQE_Miller_line 4655
FpXQE_vert 4788
Fq_path_extends_to_floor 4860
FpJ_mul 5864
_FpJ_mul 5864
Fl_ellpoint 7227
FpXQ_ellcard 8578
FpXQ_ellcard_i 8578
jissupersingular 14007
u2_is_CMj 14425
Fp_ffellcard 14777
elltrace_extension 15540
_fix 19196
FpXQ_is_quad 33530
Fp_ellj_nodiv 49148
ellinf_FpJ 49782
Fp_ellj_get_CM 52673
FqX_quad_root 71283
_FpE_pairorder 72725
FpE_weilpairing 72970
FpXQE_neg 73329
_FpXQE_mul 81874
ap_j0 85260
Fp_ellgroup 120715
FpXQ_elljissupersingular 165515
_FpE_rand 186277
random_FpE 188734
FpJ_to_FpE 203535
FpE_to_FpJ 204068
Fle_dbl_inplace 227177
FpXQE_add 251500
_FpXQE_add 251500
FpXQE_add_slope 252060
Fl_ellcard_Shanks 254753
closest_lift 254902
uclosest_lift 261965
FpXQE_dbl 265037
_FpXQE_dbl 265037
FpXQE_dbl_slope 269139
FpE_dbl 288152
_FpE_dbl 288152
FpE_dbl_slope 288746
FpE_add_ip 305694
FpE_neg 362490
ec_ap_cm 497483
Fl_elltrace 621618
is_CMj 651822
Fl_elltrace_naive 723514
_FpE_add 897344
FpE_add 916615
FpE_add_slope 916619
_FpE_mul 925525
_FpJ_add 1148127
FpJ_add 1148601
Fl_elltrace_CM 1164937
Fp_ellcard_CM 2280835
Fp_ellcard 2542693
ap_j1728 2642444
Fle_add_inplace 5796194
_FpJ_dbl 6339917
FpJ_dbl 6360968
compare_multiples 15378247

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16