Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - base1.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30072-2ccdc2326c) Lines: 1720 1816 94.7 %
Date: 2025-03-12 09:19:58 Functions: 140 158 88.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
ZX_to_monic 0
checksqmat 0
elt_galoismatrixapply 0
embednorm_T2 0
factoredpolred 0
factoredpolred2 0
idealramfrobenius 0
nf_get_allroots 0
nfinitred2 0
nfsplitting 0
polred2 0
polredabs2 0
polredabsall 0
pr_galoismatrixapply 0
rnfnewprec 0
smallpolred 0
smallpolred2 0
vecgaloismatrixapply 0
pr_galoisapply 7
pr_make 7
vecgaloisapply 7
polred 14
polredord 21
poltomonic 42
badp 49
elt_galoisapply 49
polred0 56
rnfnewprec_shallow 56
Polred 70
nfisisom 77
idealfrobenius_aut 98
idealfrobenius 105
get_bnfpol 112
nfisincl 112
idealramgroups 126
nfnewprec 161
nfinitred 182
rnfpolredabs 266
nfpolred 280
tests_OK 287
rnfpolredbest 357
idealramgroupswild 497
incl_disc 539
idealramfrobenius_aut 616
rnfpolred_i 623
v9checkgal 665
v13checkgchar 924
nfisincl_from_fact_frac 1232
nfsplitting_auto 1232
RgFV_to_FlxqV 1239
nfgaloispermtobasis 1379
nfsplitting_composite 1421
nfsplitting0 1435
idealquasifrob 1491
idealinertiagroup 1834
idealramgroupstame 1911
get_nfindex 2373
idealramgroups_aut 2408
gal_check_pol 2513
nfcertify 3171
primes_certify 3171
polredbest 3584
polredbest_i 3941
nfinit_basic_partial 3976
polredbest_aux 4123
filter 4151
polred_aux 4186
check_ZKmodule 6247
zk_galoisapplymod 6276
check_ZKmodule_i 6303
nfinit 7108
nfisincl_from_fact 7252
nfisincl0 7364
partmap_reverse 7371
tschirnhaus 7626
partmap_reverse_frac 8085
partmap_reverse_frac_worker 8085
RgF_to_Flxq 8092
get_aut 8190
FpX_FpC_nfpoleval 8824
ZXX_Q_mul 8897
nfpoleval 11151
nfinit0 11497
ZM_image_shallow 13069
polredabs 13426
nfgaloismatrixapply 13916
polredabs0 13993
remove_duplicates 13993
chk_gen_init 14245
findmindisc 14252
polredabs_i 14252
nfinit_basic_flag 14322
polred_init 18396
set_mulid 22672
checkabgrp 24108
get_bnf 28497
make_Tr 28688
ZX_cmp 30415
chk_gen_prec 32627
v11checkbnf 37534
rawchecknf 45843
rawcheckbnf 46690
ZX_is_better 52159
embed_T2 72093
get_red_G 73949
get_Tr 85191
nfinit_complete 85192
nf_multable 85193
nfmaxord_to_nf 85193
nf_input_type 87100
nfinit_basic 87100
ZX_canon_neg 89853
nfnewprec_shallow 91780
nf_basden 91808
QX_table_nfpoleval 95565
ZC_galoisapply 95787
nfgaloismatrix 95913
chk_gen 100421
get_polchar 100421
set_LLL_basis 103309
get_nf 116550
typv6 126476
galoisapply 126997
cmpii_polred 128622
try_polmin 137075
real_norm 167459
nfmaxord_complete 170384
nffp_init 177529
get_bas_den 206154
v10checknf 217203
get_roots 236144
get_pol 264620
nftyp 264642
make_G 269327
make_M_G 269329
make_M 269330
prec_fix 301954
quicktrace 390613
checkrnf 399709
v13checkrnf 400416
checkrnf_i 411206
checknfelt_mod 575609
get_nfpol 672821
ZX_Q_normalize 842697
ZX_primitive_to_monic 843032
ZX_Z_normalize 845739
nf_get_prec 1197902
checkbid 1383447
checkbid_i 1640569
checkbnr 1824383
checkbnr_i 2007611
checkbnf 3236188
checkbnf_i 5249017
ZX_Q_mul 6660518
embed_norm 17230830
complex_norm 33701849
checknf 88251917
checknf_i 91420964

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16