Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - polarit3.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29950-285c5b69ed) Lines: 1775 1977 89.8 %
Date: 2025-02-05 09:09:51 Functions: 189 203 93.1 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
FpX_composedprod 0
FqC_Fq_mul 0
FqC_add 0
FqC_sub 0
FqXQ_matrix_pow 0
FqXQ_powers 0
Fq_invsafe 0
Fq_neg_inv 0
QXQ_intnorm 0
RgM_is_FpM 0
RgV_is_FpV 0
ZX_incremental_CRT 0
ffinit_rand 0
init_Flxq 0
QX_disc 7
FpX_FpXY_resultant 15
fffrobenius 42
QX_resultant 56
_ZXQ_powu 56
FpX_composedsum 79
_FpX_composedsum 79
err_compo 84
ffextend 91
FqC_FqV_mul 105
nfX_resultant 119
ffinvmap 133
RgV_to_FpV 140
ffnbirred0 140
ffembed 189
to_ZX 231
ffeltmaprel_i 252
ffmaprel 252
ffmaprel_i 252
FpX_FpXY_eval_resultant 284
ZXQX_composedsum 315
ZXQX_composedsum_bound 315
nf_direct_compositum 315
residual_characteristic 329
ZXQX_composedsum_slice 359
ZXQX_composedsum_worker 359
Z_init_CRT 378
ZX_composedsum 385
ffcompomap 420
Fp_XpN_powu 434
ffinit 567
ffinit_Artin_Schreier_2 608
ffsumnbirred 616
ZXM_init_CRT 623
ZXM_incremental_CRT 653
FpX_translate_basecase 700
RgX_RgXY_ResBound_1 854
ffinit_Artin_Schreier 965
ffmap 1036
FqX_Fq_sub 1055
FpX_translate 1134
char_update_prime 1225
ffpartmapimage 1260
FpXV_composedsum 1581
ffinit_fact 1581
fpinit 1660
FqM_red 1701
ZXQ_minpoly 1701
FpXM_center 1737
FpXY_FpXQ_evaly 2072
checkmap 2261
FlxX_resultant 2556
ffeltmap_i 2709
ffnbirred 3178
RgX_norml1_1 3283
RgX_is_FpXQX 3360
ZXQX_disc_all 3493
ZXQ_minpoly_slice 3523
ZXQ_minpoly_worker 3523
ZXQX_resultant_all 3556
ZXQX_resultant_bound 3559
nfX_disc 3689
ZXQX_resultant_bound_i 3874
_Fq_s 4151
ZXQX_resultant_slice 4447
ZXQX_resultant_worker 4447
ffmap_i 4459
charact_res 4634
get_Fq_field 4725
RgX_to_FpXQX 5098
FpXC_center 5313
ZM_init_CRT 5789
Flx_FlxY_resultant 6177
FlxY_to_FlyX 6178
char_update_int 6580
fpinit_check 7199
RgX_RgXY_ResBound 7325
ZM_incremental_CRT 7611
Z_incremental_CRT 7616
FlxX_pseudorem 7650
sqrN2 8179
_Fq_inv 9331
ZX_compositum_lambda 9699
ZX_compositum 9700
QXQ_charpoly 9780
ZX_ZXY_ResBound_1 10083
ZX_composedsum_i 10083
ZX_composedsum_slice 10347
ZX_composedsum_worker 10347
ZXQX_resultant_prime 10404
FqXY_eval 14623
Fq_powu 15050
QXQ_norm 19418
ZX_ZXY_resultant_LERS 21623
ZXQ_charpoly_sqf 22553
Flx_resultant_set_dglist 23209
FqC_red 23945
addii_abs 25554
characteristic 27587
ffinit_fact_Flx 28915
ZX_norml1_1 31647
ZX_init_CRT 31689
flinit 31776
QXQ_div 32521
FqX_translate 33880
FpXQX_normalize 38123
_Fq_equal0 38388
FqV_roots_to_pol 40452
ZX_ZXY_rnfequation_lambda 40535
Fq_Fp_mul 43902
RgX_to_FqX 49186
RgM_to_FqM 52325
init_Flxq_i 52860
init_Fq 54542
init_Fq_i 55109
FqX_Fq_add 55832
ZX_resultant 57239
ZX_ZXY_resultant_all 59435
ZX_ZXY_rnfequation 60533
Rg_is_FpXQ 60613
ZX_ZXY_resultant 79169
Fq_halve 83635
Fq_inv 89265
FqXY_evalx 99679
FqV_red 109509
RgM_to_Flm 118296
QXQ_div_slice 120238
QXQ_div_worker 120238
ZX_ZXY_resultant_slice 124910
ZX_ZXY_resultant_worker 124910
QXQ_inv 145674
swap_vars 145796
ZX_incremental_CRT_raw 147473
flinit_check 148788
FqX_Fq_mul_to_monic 149023
ZX_ZXY_ResBound 166501
Fq_sqrtn 170751
log2N2 176582
charact 178724
RgM_to_FpM 210170
QXQ_inv_slice 212266
QXQ_inv_worker 212266
RgC_to_FqC 219128
_Fq_mul 243341
ZX_norml1 291662
_Fq_red 303247
_Fq_neg 315028
pol_x_powers 326028
Fq_div 343791
_Fq_add 362523
ZX_ZXY_resultant_prime 364699
Flx_FlxY_resultant_polint 368316
RgV_to_Flv 369001
FqX_eval 398873
QXQ_sqr 399431
Fq_mulu 492852
Fq_sqr 613639
Fq_pow 795381
QXQ_mul 835589
FpXV_FpC_mul 851487
ZXQ_charpoly 994048
Fq_neg 1080430
ZX_discbound 1134045
ZX_disc 1137233
ZX_disc_all 1199096
gen_crt 1273100
Rg_to_FpXQ 1291958
ZX_resultant_all 1350939
ZX_resultant_slice 1494373
ZX_resultant_worker 1494387
RgC_to_FpC 1685157
monomialcopy 1860552
Fq_sqrt 1895207
gen_inccrt 2057292
Flx_resultant_all 2084793
FlxY_evalx_drop 2108370
RgX_to_FpX 3335267
ZX_resultant_prime 3863410
Fl_chinese_coprime 5157274
Flx_FlxY_eval_resultant 5536059
gen_inccrt_i 7711697
primelist 8293320
Fq_sub 8564992
Fq_mul 8623634
Fq_add 11610790
monomial 12256154
RgX_is_FpX 28178075
Rg_to_Fp 51890242
Rg_is_Fp 71059607

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16