Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - polmodular.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29950-285c5b69ed) Lines: 2281 2352 97.0 %
Date: 2025-02-05 09:09:51 Functions: 142 142 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Fl_addmul2 55870089
Fl_addmul3 9771882
Fl_addmul4 5020393
Fl_addmul5 24982065
Fl_mul4 1691086
Fl_mul5 92155
Fl_mul6 753473
Fl_mul7 92154
Fl_mul8 845589
Fle_quotient_from_kernel_generator 92162
Flm_Fl_phi2_evalx 26381026
Flm_Fl_phi3_evalx 3259289
Flm_Fl_phi5_evalx 5012342
Flm_Fl_polmodular_evalx 41795119
Flv_deriv_pre_inplace 2464
Flv_lastnonzero 350603
Flv_powu_inplace_pre 42145
Flx_double_eta_jpoly 29409
Flx_double_eta_xpoly 41302
FpV_deriv 56
Fp_modinv_to_j 1057
Fp_polmodular_evalx 126
_qsort_cmp 14537084
append_neighbours 572617
calc_primes_for_discriminants 3031
carray_reverse_inplace 18692
check_generators 770583
compute_L_isogenous_curve 83243
db_add_levels 45
disc_best_modinv 1907423
discriminant_with_classno_at_least 3029
double_eta_Fl 23499
double_eta_exponent 54034
double_eta_initial_js 5696
double_eta_power 29409
double_eta_raw 23933
double_eta_raw_to_Fl 29658
double_eta_raw_to_Fp 161
double_eta_root 24464
eighth_root 5092
enum_volcano_floor 38771
enum_volcano_surface 38773
eval_modpoly_modp 2674
find_L_tors_point 134269
find_noniso_L_isogenous_curve 83243
fourth_root 3964
get_Lsqr_cycle 38772
inflate_polys 10850
internal_db 24838
interpolate_coeffs 41292
make_pcp_floor 2901
make_pcp_surface 2901
mkqfis 135735
modfn_preimage 66153
modfn_root 194135
modfn_unambiguous_root 12292
modinv_degree 7243342
modinv_double_eta_from_2j 12106
modinv_double_eta_from_j 5697
modinv_double_eta_good_disc 5315161
modinv_f3_from_j 358
modinv_f_from_j 2968
modinv_good_disc 14843104
modinv_good_prime 10681154
modinv_height_factor 22759094
modinv_is_Weber 784
modinv_is_double_eta 235964
modinv_j_from_2double_eta 6159
modinv_j_from_f 1858
modinv_level 40383
modinv_max_internal_level 27846
modinv_odd_conductor 528581
modinv_parent 147
modinv_parent_power 147
modinv_pfilter 14763
modinv_ramified 504
modinv_sparse_factor 44677
modpoly_height_bound 3029
modpoly_pickD 3031
modpoly_pickD_primes 11732
normalise_coeffs 10850
oneroot_of_classpoly 38770
orientation_ambiguity 33902
phi2_ZV 20005
phi2_g2_ZV 119
phi2_w3w13_ZV 14
phi2_w3w3e2_ZV 21
phi2_w3w5_ZV 35
phi2_w5w7_ZV 56
phi3_ZV 1882
phi3_f3_ZV 21
phi3_w2w13_ZV 49
phi3_w2w7_ZV 182
phi5_ZV 1852
phi5_f_ZV 182
phi5_w2w3_ZV 56
phi5_w3w3_ZV 63
phi5_w3w7_ZV 42
phi7_w2w5_ZV 112
phi_w2w13_j 2937
phi_w2w3_j 1060
phi_w2w5_j 3242
phi_w2w7_j 6518
phi_w3w13_j 210
phi_w3w3_j 3535
phi_w3w5_j 1135
phi_w3w7_j 2412
phi_w5w7_j 2884
polmodular 630
polmodular0_ZM 27727
polmodular0_powerup_ZM 147
polmodular_ZM 19263
polmodular_ZXX 19179
polmodular_db_add_level 25103
polmodular_db_add_levels 4976
polmodular_db_for_inv 354664
polmodular_db_getp 516591
polmodular_db_init 21482
polmodular_small_ZM 24838
polmodular_split_p_Flm 38764
polmodular_worker 38773
prime_to_conductor 3257079
primeform_discrete_log 198166
primeform_exp_order 1064285
qfb_distinct_prods 232590
qfb_is_two_torsion 1688036
qfb_nform 135737
qform_primeform2 77734
red_primeform 3257079
root_matrix 38772
roots_to_coeffs 40946
safe_abs_sqrt 9868
scanD0 3031
select_L0 3029
select_curve_with_L_tors_point 83243
sixth_root 5493
sympol_to_ZM 24691
twelth_root 898
update_Lsqr_cycle 533818
vecsmall_pick 572595
verify_L_sylow_is_cyclic 47689
weber_exponent 49

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16