Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gp - gp.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30072-2ccdc2326c) Lines: 277 334 82.9 %
Date: 2025-03-12 09:19:58 Functions: 24 28 85.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.
       2             : 
       3             : This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
       4             : 
       5             : PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       6             : terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
       7             : Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
       8             : version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
       9             : ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
      10             : 
      11             : Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
      12             : with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
      13             : Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
      14             : 
      15             : /*******************************************************************/
      16             : /**                                                               **/
      17             : /**                        PARI CALCULATOR                        **/
      18             : /**                                                               **/
      19             : /*******************************************************************/
      20             : #ifdef _WIN32
      21             : #  include "../systems/mingw/pwinver.h"
      22             : #  include <windows.h>
      23             : #  include "../systems/mingw/mingw.h"
      24             : #endif
      25             : #ifdef DEBUG_FLOATS
      26             : #  undef  _GNU_SOURCE
      27             : #  define _GNU_SOURCE
      28             : #  include <fenv.h>
      29             : /* check for cpp symbol conflict */
      30             : #  include <complex.h>
      31             : #endif
      32             : #include "pari.h"
      33             : #include "paripriv.h"
      34             : #include "gp.h"
      35             : 
      36             : static jmp_buf *env;
      37             : static pari_stack s_env;
      38             : void (*cb_pari_end_output)(void) = NULL;
      39             : 
      40             : static void
      41           0 : gp_ask_confirm(const char *s)
      42             : {
      43           0 :   err_printf(s);
      44           0 :   err_printf(". OK ? (^C if not)\n");
      45           0 :   pari_hit_return();
      46           0 : }
      47             : 
      48             : /* numerr < 0: after changing PARI stack size
      49             :  * numerr > 0: normal error, including SIGINT */
      50             : static void
      51       13396 : gp_err_recover(long numerr)
      52             : {
      53       13396 :   longjmp(env[s_env.n-1], numerr);
      54             : }
      55             : 
      56             : /* numerr >= 0 */
      57             : static void
      58       12930 : gp_pre_recover(long numerr)
      59             : {
      60       12930 :   out_puts(pariErr, "\n"); pariErr->flush();
      61       12930 :   gp_err_recover(numerr);
      62           0 : }
      63             : 
      64             : static void
      65      141376 : reset_ctrlc(void)
      66             : {
      67             : #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
      68             :   win32ctrlc = 0;
      69             : #endif
      70      141376 : }
      71             : 
      72             : static int
      73       91156 : is_silent(char *s) { return s[strlen(s) - 1] == ';'; }
      74             : 
      75             : static int stdin_isatty = 0;
      76             : static int
      77        1996 : is_interactive(void)
      78        1996 : { return pari_infile == stdin && stdin_isatty; }
      79             : 
      80             : /*******************************************************************/
      81             : /**                                                               **/
      82             : /**                        INITIALIZATION                         **/
      83             : /**                                                               **/
      84             : /*******************************************************************/
      85             : static void
      86           2 : print_shortversion(void)
      87             : {
      88           2 :   const ulong mask = (1UL<<PARI_VERSION_SHIFT) - 1;
      89           2 :   ulong n = paricfg_version_code, major, minor, patch;
      90             : 
      91           2 :   patch = n & mask; n >>= PARI_VERSION_SHIFT;
      92           2 :   minor = n & mask; n >>= PARI_VERSION_SHIFT;
      93           2 :   major = n;
      94           2 :   printf("%lu.%lu.%lu\n", major,minor,patch); exit(0);
      95             : }
      96             : 
      97             : static void
      98           2 : usage(char *s)
      99             : {
     100           2 :   printf("### Usage: %s [options] [GP files]\n", s);
     101           2 :   printf("Available options:\n");
     102           2 :   printf("  [-f,--fast]\t\tFast start: do not read .gprc\n");
     103           2 :   printf("  [-q,--quiet]\t\tQuiet mode: do not print banner and history numbers\n");
     104           2 :   printf("  [-s stacksize]\tStart with the PARI stack of given size (in bytes)\n");
     105           2 :   printf("  [--default key=val]\tExecute default(key,val) on startup\n");
     106           2 :   printf("  [--emacs]\t\tRun as if in Emacs shell\n");
     107           2 :   printf("  [--help]\t\tPrint this message\n");
     108           2 :   printf("  [--test]\t\tTest mode. No history, wrap long lines (bench only)\n");
     109           2 :   printf("  [--texmacs]\t\tRun as if using TeXmacs frontend\n");
     110           2 :   printf("  [--version]\t\tOutput version info and exit\n");
     111           2 :   printf("  [--version-short]\tOutput version number and exit\n\n");
     112           2 :   exit(0);
     113             : }
     114             : 
     115             : static void
     116           2 : gp_head(void)
     117             : {
     118             :   ulong p, f;
     119           2 :   pari_print_version();
     120           2 :   pari_putc('\n');
     121           2 :   pari_center("Copyright (C) 2000-2025 The PARI Group");
     122           2 :   pari_putc('\n');
     123           2 :   print_text("PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public \
     124             : License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.");
     125           2 :   pari_puts("\nType ? for help, \\q to quit.\n");
     126           2 :   pari_printf("Type ?%d for how to get moral"
     127             :               " (and possibly technical) support.\n", pari_community());
     128           2 :   p = GP_DATA->primelimit;
     129           2 :   f = GP_DATA->factorlimit;
     130           2 :   if (pari_mainstack->vsize)
     131           0 :     pari_printf("\nparisizemax = %lu, primelimit = %lu, factorlimit = %lu",
     132           0 :                 pari_mainstack->vsize, p, f);
     133             :   else
     134           2 :     pari_printf("\nparisize = %lu, primelimit = %lu, factorlimit = %lu",
     135           2 :                 pari_mainstack->rsize, p, f);
     136           2 :   pari_putc('\n');
     137           2 : }
     138             : 
     139             : static char *
     140           0 : read_arg(long *nread, char *t, long argc, char **argv)
     141             : {
     142           0 :   long i = *nread;
     143           0 :   if (isdigit((unsigned char)*t)) return t;
     144           0 :   if (*t || i==argc) usage(argv[0]);
     145           0 :   *nread = i+1; return argv[i];
     146             : }
     147             : 
     148             : static char *
     149           0 : read_arg_equal(long *nread, char *t, long argc, char **argv)
     150             : {
     151           0 :   long i = *nread;
     152           0 :   if (*t=='=' && isdigit((unsigned char)t[1])) return t+1;
     153           0 :   if (*t || i==argc) usage(argv[0]);
     154           0 :   *nread = i+1; return argv[i];
     155             : }
     156             : 
     157             : static void
     158           4 : init_trivial_stack(void)
     159             : {
     160           4 :   const size_t s = 2048;
     161           4 :   pari_mainstack->size = s;
     162           4 :   pari_mainstack->bot = (pari_sp)pari_malloc(s);
     163           4 :   avma = pari_mainstack->top = pari_mainstack->bot + s;
     164           4 : }
     165             : 
     166             : static void
     167           4 : free_trivial_stack(void)
     168             : {
     169           4 :   free((void*)pari_mainstack->bot);
     170           4 : }
     171             : 
     172             : typedef struct { char *key, *val; } pair_t;
     173             : /* If ab of the form key=val, record pair in new stack entry
     174             :  * P[n].key must be freed by caller to avoid memory leak */
     175             : static void
     176           6 : record_default(pari_stack *s_P, char *ab)
     177             : {
     178           6 :   pair_t *P = (pair_t*)*pari_stack_base(s_P);
     179             :   char *k, *v;
     180             :   long n;
     181           6 :   ab = pari_strdup(ab);
     182           6 :   parse_key_val(ab, &k, &v);
     183           6 :   n = pari_stack_new(s_P);
     184           6 :   P[n].key = k;
     185           6 :   P[n].val = v;
     186           6 : }
     187             : static void
     188        1893 : read_opt(pari_stack *p_A, long argc, char **argv)
     189             : {
     190             :   pair_t *P;
     191             :   pari_stack s_P; /* key / value to record default() settings */
     192        1893 :   char *b = NULL, *p = NULL, *s = NULL;
     193        1893 :   ulong f = GP_DATA->flags;
     194        1893 :   long i = 1, initrc = 1;
     195             : 
     196             :   (void)&p; (void)&b; (void)&s; /* -Wall gcc-2.95 */
     197             : 
     198        1893 :   pari_stack_init(&s_P,sizeof(*P),(void**)&P);
     199        1893 :   pari_stack_alloc(&s_P, 64);
     200        1893 :   pari_outfile = stderr;
     201        5661 :   while (i < argc)
     202             :   {
     203        3776 :     char *t = argv[i];
     204             : 
     205        3776 :     if (*t++ != '-') break;
     206        3776 :     i++;
     207        3776 : START:
     208        3776 :     switch(*t++)
     209             :     {
     210           0 :       case 'p': p = read_arg(&i,t,argc,argv); break;
     211           0 :       case 's': s = read_arg(&i,t,argc,argv); break;
     212           0 :       case 'e':
     213           0 :         f |= gpd_EMACS; if (*t) goto START;
     214           0 :         break;
     215        1879 :       case 'q':
     216        1879 :         f |= gpd_QUIET; if (*t) goto START;
     217        1879 :         break;
     218           0 :       case 't':
     219           0 :         f |= gpd_TEST; if (*t) goto START;
     220           0 :         break;
     221          33 :       case 'f':
     222          33 :         initrc = 0; if (*t) goto START;
     223          33 :         break;
     224           4 :       case 'D':
     225           4 :         if (*t || i == argc) usage(argv[0]);
     226           4 :         record_default(&s_P, argv[i++]);
     227           4 :         break;
     228        1860 :       case '-':
     229        1860 :         if (strcmp(t, "version-short") == 0) { print_shortversion(); exit(0); }
     230        1858 :         if (strcmp(t, "version") == 0) {
     231           4 :           init_trivial_stack(); pari_print_version();
     232           4 :           free_trivial_stack(); exit(0);
     233             :         }
     234        1854 :         if (strcmp(t, "default") == 0) {
     235           2 :           if (i == argc) usage(argv[0]);
     236           2 :           record_default(&s_P, argv[i++]);
     237           2 :           break;
     238             :         }
     239        1852 :         if (strcmp(t, "texmacs") == 0) { f |= gpd_TEXMACS; break; }
     240        1852 :         if (strcmp(t, "emacs") == 0) { f |= gpd_EMACS; break; }
     241        1852 :         if (strcmp(t, "test") == 0) { f |= gpd_TEST; initrc = 0; break; }
     242           6 :         if (strcmp(t, "quiet") == 0) { f |= gpd_QUIET; break; }
     243           4 :         if (strcmp(t, "fast") == 0) { initrc = 0; break; }
     244           2 :         if (strncmp(t, "primelimit",10) == 0) {p = read_arg_equal(&i,t+10,argc,argv); break; }
     245           2 :         if (strncmp(t, "stacksize",9) == 0) {s = read_arg_equal(&i,t+9,argc,argv); break; }
     246             :        /* fall through */
     247             :       default:
     248           2 :         usage(argv[0]);
     249             :     }
     250             :   }
     251        1885 :   if (f & gpd_TEST) stdin_isatty = 0;
     252        1885 :   GP_DATA->flags = f;
     253             : #ifdef READLINE
     254        1885 :   GP_DATA->use_readline = stdin_isatty;
     255             : #endif
     256        1885 :   if (!is_interactive()) GP_DATA->breakloop = 0;
     257        1885 :   if (initrc) gp_initrc(p_A);
     258        1885 :   for ( ; i < argc; i++) pari_stack_pushp(p_A, pari_strdup(argv[i]));
     259             : 
     260             :   /* override the values from gprc */
     261        1885 :   if (p) (void)sd_primelimit(p, d_INITRC);
     262        1885 :   if (s) (void)sd_parisize(s, d_INITRC);
     263        1889 :   for (i = 0; i < s_P.n; i++) {
     264           6 :     setdefault(P[i].key, P[i].val, d_INITRC);
     265           4 :     free((void*)P[i].key);
     266             :   }
     267        1883 :   pari_stack_delete(&s_P);
     268        1883 :   pari_outfile = stdout;
     269        1883 : }
     270             : 
     271             : /*******************************************************************/
     272             : /**                                                               **/
     273             : /**                            TEST MODE                          **/
     274             : /**                                                               **/
     275             : /*******************************************************************/
     276             : static int
     277      263623 : test_is_interactive(void) { return 0; }
     278             : 
     279             : static void
     280       60257 : test_output(long n) { init_linewrap(76); gen_output(pari_get_hist(n)); }
     281             : void
     282        1846 : init_test(void)
     283             : {
     284        1846 :   disable_color = 1;
     285        1846 :   init_linewrap(76);
     286        1846 :   pari_errfile = stdout;
     287        1846 :   cb_pari_display_hist = test_output;
     288        1846 :   cb_pari_is_interactive = test_is_interactive;
     289        1846 : }
     290             : 
     291             : static GEN
     292        1883 : gp_main_loop(long ismain)
     293             : {
     294        1883 :   VOLATILE GEN z = gnil;
     295        1883 :   VOLATILE long t = 0, r = 0;
     296        1883 :   VOLATILE pari_sp av = avma;
     297             :   filtre_t F;
     298        1883 :   Buffer *b = filtered_buffer(&F);
     299             :   struct gp_context rec;
     300             :   long er;
     301        1883 :   if ((er = setjmp(env[s_env.n-1])))
     302             :   { /* recover: jump from error [ > 0 ] or allocatemem [ -1 ] */
     303       13366 :     if (er > 0) { /* true error */
     304       12921 :       if (!(GP_DATA->recover)) exit(1);
     305       12921 :       gp_context_restore(&rec);
     306             :       /* true error not from main instance, let caller sort it out */
     307       12921 :       if (!ismain) { kill_buffers_upto_including(b); return NULL; }
     308             :     } else { /* allocatemem */
     309         445 :       tmp_restore(rec.file.file);
     310         445 :       gp_context_save(&rec);
     311             :     }
     312       13366 :     set_avma(av = pari_mainstack->top);
     313       13366 :     parivstack_reset();
     314       13366 :     kill_buffers_upto(b);
     315       13366 :     pari_alarm(0);
     316             :   }
     317             :   for(;;)
     318             :   {
     319      143084 :     gp_context_save(&rec);
     320      143084 :     if (! gp_read_line(&F, NULL))
     321             :     {
     322        1883 :       if (popinfile()) gp_quit(0);
     323           0 :       if (ismain) continue;
     324           0 :       pop_buffer(); return z;
     325             :     }
     326      141201 :     if (ismain)
     327             :     {
     328      141201 :       reset_ctrlc();
     329      141201 :       timer_start(GP_DATA->T);
     330      141201 :       walltimer_start(GP_DATA->Tw);
     331      141201 :       pari_set_last_newline(1);
     332             :     }
     333      141201 :     if (gp_meta(b->buf,ismain)) continue;
     334      119647 :     z = pari_compile_str(b->buf);
     335      119570 :     z = closure_evalres(z);
     336      106302 :     if (!ismain) continue;
     337             : 
     338      106302 :     t = timer_delay(GP_DATA->T);
     339      106302 :     r = walltimer_delay(GP_DATA->Tw);
     340      106302 :     if (!pari_last_was_newline()) pari_putc('\n');
     341      106302 :     pari_alarm(0);
     342      106302 :     if (t && GP_DATA->chrono)
     343             :     {
     344           0 :       if (pari_mt_nbthreads==1)
     345             :       {
     346           0 :         pari_puts("time = ");
     347           0 :         pari_puts(gp_format_time(t));
     348             :       }
     349             :       else
     350             :       {
     351           0 :         pari_puts("cpu time = ");
     352           0 :         pari_puts(gp_format_time(t));
     353           0 :         pari_puts(", real time = ");
     354           0 :         pari_puts(gp_format_time(r));
     355             :       }
     356           0 :       pari_puts(".\n");
     357             :     }
     358      106302 :     if (GP_DATA->simplify) z = simplify_shallow(z);
     359      106302 :     pari_add_hist(z, t, r);
     360      106302 :     if (z != gnil && ! is_silent(b->buf) )
     361       60261 :       gp_display_hist(GP_DATA->hist->total);
     362      106302 :     set_avma(av);
     363      106302 :     parivstack_reset();
     364             :   }
     365             : }
     366             : 
     367             : /* as gp_read_file, before running the main gp instance */
     368             : static void
     369           0 : read_main(const char *s)
     370             : {
     371             :   GEN z;
     372           0 :   if (setjmp(env[s_env.n-1]))
     373           0 :     z = NULL;
     374             :   else {
     375           0 :     FILE *f = switchin(s);
     376           0 :     if (file_is_binary(f)) {
     377           0 :       z = readbin(s,f, NULL);
     378           0 :       popinfile();
     379             :     }
     380           0 :     else z = gp_main_loop(0);
     381             :   }
     382           0 :   if (!z) err_printf("... skipping file '%s'\n", s);
     383           0 :   set_avma(pari_mainstack->top);
     384           0 : }
     385             : 
     386             : static const char *
     387         126 : break_loop_prompt(long n)
     388             : {
     389         126 :   return n==0 ? "GP prompt" : n==1? "break> ": stack_sprintf("break[%ld]> ", n);
     390             : }
     391             : 
     392             : static long frame_level=0, dbg_level = 0;
     393             : 
     394             : static int
     395          63 : break_loop(int numerr)
     396             : {
     397             :   filtre_t F;
     398             :   Buffer *b;
     399          63 :   int sigint = numerr<0, go_on = sigint;
     400             :   struct gp_context rec1, rec2;
     401             :   const char *prompt, *msg;
     402          63 :   long nenv, oldframe_level = frame_level;
     403             :   pari_sp av;
     404             : 
     405          63 :   if (numerr == e_SYNTAX) return 0;
     406          63 :   if (numerr == e_STACK) { evalstate_clone(); set_avma(pari_mainstack->top); }
     407          63 :   gp_context_save(&rec1);
     408             : 
     409          63 :   b = filtered_buffer(&F);
     410          63 :   nenv=pari_stack_new(&s_env);
     411          63 :   prompt = gp_format_prompt(break_loop_prompt(nenv));
     412          63 :   iferr_env = NULL;
     413          63 :   dbg_level = 0;
     414          63 :   frame_level = closure_context(oldframe_level, dbg_level);
     415          63 :   pari_infile = newfile(stdin, "stdin", mf_IN)->file;
     416          63 :   term_color(c_ERR); pari_putc('\n');
     417          63 :   if (sigint)
     418           7 :     msg = "Break loop: <Return> to continue; 'break' to go back to %s";
     419             :   else
     420          56 :     msg = "Break loop: type 'break' to go back to %s";
     421          63 :   msg = stack_sprintf(msg, break_loop_prompt(nenv-1));
     422          63 :   print_errcontext(pariOut, msg, NULL, NULL);
     423          63 :   term_color(c_NONE);
     424          63 :   av = avma;
     425             :   for(;;)
     426          91 :   {
     427             :     GEN x;
     428             :     long er, br_status;
     429         154 :     set_avma(av);
     430         154 :     gp_context_save(&rec2);
     431         154 :     if ((er=setjmp(env[nenv])))
     432             :     {
     433          35 :       if (er < 0)
     434             :       {
     435           7 :         s_env.n = 1;
     436           7 :         frame_level = oldframe_level;
     437           7 :         longjmp(env[s_env.n-1], er);
     438             :       }
     439          28 :       gp_context_restore(&rec2);
     440          28 :       iferr_env = NULL;
     441          28 :       closure_err(dbg_level);
     442          28 :       compilestate_restore(&rec1.eval.comp);
     443          28 :       (void) closure_context(oldframe_level, dbg_level);
     444          28 :       pari_infile = newfile(stdin, "stdin", mf_IN)->file;
     445             :     }
     446         182 :     term_color(c_NONE);
     447         182 :     if (!gp_read_line(&F, prompt))
     448           0 :       br_status = br_BREAK; /* EOF */
     449             :     else
     450             :     {
     451             :       /* Empty input ? Continue if entry on sigint (exit debugger frame) */
     452         182 :       if (! *(b->buf) && sigint) break;
     453         175 :       reset_ctrlc();
     454         175 :       if (gp_meta(b->buf,0)) continue;
     455         175 :       x = pari_compile_str(b->buf);
     456         175 :       x = closure_evalbrk(x, &br_status);
     457             :     }
     458         140 :     switch (br_status)
     459             :     {
     460           0 :       case br_NEXT: case br_MULTINEXT:
     461           0 :         popinfile(); /* exit frame. Don't exit debugger if s_env.n > 2 */
     462          49 :         go_on = 0; goto BR_EXIT;
     463          49 :       case br_BREAK: case br_RETURN:
     464          49 :         killallfiles(); /* completely exit the debugger */
     465          49 :         go_on = 0; goto BR_EXIT;
     466             :     }
     467          91 :     if (x!=gnil && !is_silent(b->buf)) { term_color(c_OUTPUT); gen_output(x); }
     468             :   }
     469          56 : BR_EXIT:
     470          56 :   s_env.n=nenv;
     471          56 :   frame_level = oldframe_level;
     472          56 :   gp_context_restore(&rec1);
     473          56 :   pop_buffer(); return go_on;
     474             : }
     475             : 
     476             : #ifdef __CYGWIN32__
     477             : void
     478             : cyg_environment(int argc, char ** argv)
     479             : {
     480             :   char *ti_dirs = getenv("TERMINFO_DIRS");
     481             :   char *argv0, *p;
     482             :   char *newdir;
     483             :   long n;
     484             : 
     485             :   if (!argc || !argv) return;
     486             :   argv0 = *argv;
     487             :   if (!argv0 || !*argv0) return;
     488             :   p = strrchr(argv0, '/');
     489             :   if (!p)
     490             :     p = argv0 = "";
     491             :   else
     492             :     p++;
     493             :   n = p - argv0;
     494             :   if (ti_dirs)
     495             :   {
     496             :     n += 14 + strlen(ti_dirs) + 1 + 8 + 1;
     497             :     newdir = malloc(n);
     498             :     if (!newdir) return;
     499             :     snprintf(newdir, n-8, "TERMINFO_DIRS=%s:%s", ti_dirs, argv0);
     500             :   }
     501             :   else
     502             :   {
     503             :     n += 14 + 8 + 1;
     504             :     newdir = malloc(n);
     505             :     if (!newdir) return;
     506             :     snprintf(newdir, n-8, "TERMINFO_DIRS=%s", argv0);
     507             :   }
     508             :   strcpy(newdir+n-9,"terminfo");
     509             :   putenv(newdir);
     510             : }
     511             : #endif
     512             : 
     513             : int
     514        1893 : main(int argc, char **argv)
     515             : {
     516             :   char **A;
     517             :   pari_stack s_A;
     518             : 
     519        1893 :   GP_DATA = default_gp_data();
     520        1893 :   pari_stack_init(&s_env, sizeof(*env), (void**)&env);
     521        1893 :   (void)pari_stack_new(&s_env);
     522             : 
     523        1893 :   if (setjmp(env[s_env.n-1]))
     524             :   {
     525           2 :     puts("### Errors on startup, exiting...\n\n");
     526           2 :     exit(1);
     527             :   }
     528             : #ifdef DEBUG_FLOATS
     529             :   feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
     530             : #endif
     531             : #ifdef __CYGWIN32__
     532             :   cyg_environment(argc, argv);
     533             : #endif
     534        1893 :   stdin_isatty = pari_stdin_isatty();
     535        1893 :   pari_init_defaults();
     536        1893 :   pari_library_path = DL_DFLT_NAME;
     537        1893 :   pari_stack_init(&s_A,sizeof(*A),(void**)&A);
     538             :   /* must be defined here in case an error is raised in pari_init_opts, e.g.
     539             :    * when parsing function prototypes */
     540        1893 :   cb_pari_err_recover = gp_err_recover;
     541        1893 :   pari_init_opts(8000000, 0, INIT_SIGm | INIT_noPRIMEm | INIT_noIMTm);
     542        1893 :   cb_pari_pre_recover = gp_pre_recover;
     543        1893 :   cb_pari_break_loop = break_loop;
     544        1893 :   cb_pari_is_interactive = is_interactive;
     545             : 
     546        1893 :   read_opt(&s_A, argc,argv);
     547        1883 :   pari_init_primes(GP_DATA->primelimit);
     548             : #ifdef SIGALRM
     549        1883 :   (void)os_signal(SIGALRM,gp_alarm_handler);
     550             : #endif
     551        1883 :   pari_add_module(functions_gp);
     552             : 
     553        1883 :   pari_set_plot_engine(gp_get_plot);
     554        1883 :   cb_pari_quit = gp_quit;
     555        1883 :   cb_pari_whatnow = whatnow;
     556        1883 :   cb_pari_sigint = gp_sigint_fun;
     557        1883 :   cb_pari_handle_exception = gp_handle_exception;
     558        1883 :   cb_pari_ask_confirm = gp_ask_confirm;
     559        1883 :   pari_init_paths();
     560        1883 :   pari_mt_init(); /* MPI: will not return on slaves (pari_MPI_rank = 0) */
     561             : #ifdef _WIN32
     562             :   if (stdin_isatty) win32_set_codepage();
     563             : #endif
     564             : #ifdef READLINE
     565        1883 :   init_readline();
     566             : #endif
     567        1883 :   if (GP_DATA->flags & gpd_EMACS) init_emacs();
     568        1883 :   if (GP_DATA->flags & gpd_TEXMACS) init_texmacs();
     569             : 
     570        1883 :   timer_start(GP_DATA->T);
     571        1883 :   walltimer_start(GP_DATA->Tw);
     572        1883 :   if (!(GP_DATA->flags & gpd_QUIET)) gp_head();
     573        1883 :   if (GP_DATA->flags & gpd_TEST) init_test();
     574        1883 :   if (s_A.n)
     575             :   {
     576           0 :     FILE *l = pari_logfile;
     577             :     long i;
     578           0 :     pari_logfile = NULL;
     579           0 :     for (i = 0; i < s_A.n; pari_free(A[i]),i++) read_main(A[i]);
     580             :     /* Reading one of the input files above can set pari_logfile.
     581             :      * Don't restore in that case. */
     582           0 :     if (!pari_logfile) pari_logfile = l;
     583             :   }
     584        1883 :   pari_stack_delete(&s_A);
     585        1883 :   (void)gp_main_loop(1);
     586           0 :   gp_quit(0);
     587             :   return 0; /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */
     588             : }
     589             : 
     590             : void
     591           7 : dbg_down(long k)
     592             : {
     593           7 :   if (k<0) k=0;
     594           7 :   dbg_level -= k;
     595           7 :   if (dbg_level<0) dbg_level=0;
     596           7 :   gp_err_recover(e_NONE);
     597           0 : }
     598             : 
     599             : GEN
     600           7 : dbg_err(void) { GEN E = pari_err_last(); return E? gcopy(E):gnil; }
     601             : 
     602             : void
     603          14 : dbg_up(long k)
     604             : {
     605          14 :   if (k<0) k=0;
     606          14 :   dbg_level += k;
     607          14 :   if (dbg_level>frame_level) dbg_level=frame_level;
     608          14 :   gp_err_recover(e_NONE);
     609           0 : }
     610             : 
     611             : void
     612        1883 : gp_quit(long code)
     613             : {
     614        1883 :   pari_kill_plot_engine();
     615        1883 :   pari_close();
     616        1883 :   kill_buffers_upto(NULL);
     617        1883 :   if (!(GP_DATA->flags & gpd_QUIET)) pari_puts("Goodbye!\n");
     618        1883 :   if (cb_pari_end_output) cb_pari_end_output();
     619        1883 :   exit(code);
     620             : }
     621             : 
     622             : void
     623          35 : whatnow0(char *s) { whatnow(pariOut, s,0); }
     624             : 
     625             : #include "gp_init.h"

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16