Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - modules - algebras.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.0 lcov report (development 29806-4d001396c7) Lines: 3881 3907 99.3 %
Date: 2024-12-21 09:08:57 Functions: 338 339 99.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
CC_to_HC 98
CM_to_HM 49
C_charpoly 35
C_divl_i 112
C_inv 140
C_norm 42
C_random 182
C_tomatrix 84
C_trace 35
Flm_invimage_init 7072
Flm_invimage_pre 520237
FpM_trace 200506
HC_to_CC 140
HM_to_CM 70
H_add 17745
H_charpoly 98
H_compo 205639
H_divl_i 203
H_inv 259
H_model 462812
H_model0 462812
H_mul 108129
H_neg 98
H_norm 434
H_poleval 84
H_random 980
H_sqr 329
H_tomatrix 2394
H_trace 567
QM_invimZ 14
QM_invimZ_mod 3535
R_charpoly 35
R_norm 42
R_random 4466
R_tomatrix 42
R_trace 35
RgC_col2mat 1708
RgC_contract 18746
RgM_contract 4165
RgM_mat2col 49343
Rgmultable 476
ZM_trace 58493
Z_easyfactor 15074
_mul 49113
_sqr 119977
_tablemul 521612
_tablemul_Fp 291196
_tablemul_ej 111811
_tablemul_ej_Fl 520237
_tablemul_ej_Fp 242039
alC_add_i 756
alC_sub_i 210
alM_add 406
alM_alC_mul_i 54502
alM_mul 25627
alM_sub 126
alMrow_alC_mul_i 119651
algZmultable 13349
alg_centralproj 11069
alg_change_overorder_shallow 2669
alg_complete 0
alg_complete0 343
alg_csa_table 245
alg_cyclic 798
alg_decompose 26821
alg_decompose_from_facto 9407
alg_decompose_total 22481
alg_finite_csa_split 6510
alg_get_absdim 2518797
alg_get_abssplitting 93962
alg_get_aut 133
alg_get_auts 17283
alg_get_b 17367
alg_get_basis 3276
alg_get_center 519163
alg_get_char 11357023
alg_get_degree 2456907
alg_get_dim 402134
alg_get_hasse_f 3871
alg_get_hasse_i 1743
alg_get_invbasis 82034
alg_get_multable 3645462
alg_get_relmultable 386099
alg_get_splitpol 294
alg_get_splittingbasis 4347
alg_get_splittingbasisinv 4347
alg_get_splittingdata 84
alg_get_splittingfield 25293201
alg_get_tracebasis 587271
alg_hasse 455
alg_hilbert 539
alg_hilbert_asquare 21
alg_idempotent 5047
alg_is_asq 1148
alg_matrix 119
alg_maximal 182
alg_maximal_primes 1162
alg_model 1872777
alg_model0 1872777
alg_ordermodp 11997
alg_pmaximal 2694
alg_quatramif 35
alg_quotient 10901
alg_quotient0 33713
alg_subalg 13964
alg_type 9805305
algabstrace 587425
algadd 54999
algalgmul 2345
algalgmul_csa 686
algalgmul_cyc 1659
algalgmultable 16268
algalgmultable_csa 1848
algalgmultable_cyc 14735
algalgtobasis 83749
algalgtobasis_mat 182
algalgtonat 81950
algalgtonat_csa 15400
algalgtonat_cyc 66550
algaut 63
algb 91
algbasis 154
algbasis2mat 294
algbasischarpoly 31473
algbasismul 812122
algbasismultable 336310
algbasismultable_Flm 41430
algbasisrightmultable 41146
algbasissplittingmatrix_csa 4347
algbasistoalg 3388
algbasistoalg_mat 119
algbasistoquat 126
algcenter 11795
algcenter_p_projs 5342
algcenter_prad 5342
algcenter_precompute 2694
algchar 112
algcharpoly 31739
algcomputehasse 784
algdegree 679
algdim 6160
algdisc 364
algdisc_i 525
algdivl 889
algdivl_i 1729
algdivl_i2 1015
algdivr 469
algeichlerbasis 2100
algeltfromnf 5061
algeltfromnf_hnf 5342
algeltfromnf_i 31690
alggroup 329
alggroupcenter 329
alghasse 336
alghasse_0 2149
alghasse_emb 427
alghasse_pr 1652
alghassef 357
alghassei 252
algindex 2191
alginit 1652
alginv 1323
alginv_i 1512
alginvbasis 84
algisassociative 532
algiscommutative 392
algisdivision 287
algisdivl 126
algisinv 189
algisquatalg 91
algisramified 1386
algissemisimple 392
algissimple 301
algissplit 1652
alglat_get_primbasis 251188
alglat_get_scalar 296779
alglatadd 7588
alglataddinter 11697
alglatcontains 17528
alglatelement 8778
alglathnf 53487
alglatindex 5271
alglatinter 4109
alglatlefttransporter 1778
alglatmul 45612
alglatrighttransporter 1771
alglatsubset 33495
alglattransporter_i 3535
algleftmultable 22078
algleftmultable_mat 910
algleftordermodp 6602
algmakeintegral 42
algmat2basis 23961
algmat_tomatrix 728
algmatbasis_ei 23884
algmatid 21
algmodpr 1841
algmodpr_get_T 3801
algmodpr_get_ff 1715
algmodpr_get_k 5005
algmodpr_get_lift 3003
algmodpr_get_m 2219
algmodpr_get_p 3948
algmodpr_get_pr 3948
algmodpr_get_proj 1708
algmodpr_get_tau 1729
algmodpr_i 1729
algmodpr_integral 1708
algmodpr_mat 28
algmodprinit 2793
algmodprlift 301
algmodprlift_i 511
algmtK2Z 13349
algmtK2Z_csa 1379
algmtK2Z_cyc 11970
algmul 817753
algmultable 308
algnatmultable 1344
algnattoalg 16471
algnattoalg_csa 1813
algnattoalg_cyc 14658
algneg 245
algnewprec 63
algnewprec_shallow 63
algnorm 1309
algpdecompose0 3897
algpdecompose_i 1203
algpoleval 28797
algpow 20426
algpradical_i 5342
algprimesubalg 8138
algquattobasis 266
algradical 12824
algramifiedplaces 168
algrandom 19985
algreal_dim 259
algredcharpoly 553
algredcharpoly_i 546
algredtrace 1470
algrelmultable 70
algsimpledec 2730
algsimpledec_ss 8243
algsplit 3766
algsplittingdata 84
algsplittingfield 161
algsqr 122364
algsub 1120
algsubalg 84
algtablecenter 30613
algtableinit 6202
algtableinit_i 54999
algtensor 84
algtomatrix 25109
algtrace 2681
algtrace_mat 469
algtracebasis 58998
algtracei 41430
algtracematrix 13258
algtype 2233
allauts 1127
backtrackfacto 1491
bnfgwgeneric 189
bnrgwsearch 413
change_Rgmultable 56
check_mt 55041
check_mt_noid 55566
check_relmt 245
checkalg 1509986
checkalg_i 1382656
checkalgmodpr 2135
checkalgmodpr_i 2135
checkalgx 1872616
checkhasse 1869
checklat 186858
checklat_i 186858
clean_factor 343
cmp_algebra 14075
colconcat 686
computecnd 343
computesplitting 217
conjclasses_algcenter 847
cyclicrelfrob 2926
cyclicrelfrob0 455
descend 4165
descend_i 4165
dividesmod 112
eichleridempotent 2499
eichlerprimepower 546
eichlerprimepower_i 2499
elementabsmultable 149376
elementabsmultable_Fp 186934
elementabsmultable_Z 336310
elementmultable 1848
extraprime 84
factoredextchinese 1148
factoredextchinesetest 1491
findmaximalsubfield 217
frobeniusform 217
genefrob 112
get_phi0 413
get_vecsmall 973
groupelts_algebra 294
hasseconvert 1274
hassecoprime 441
hassereduce 714
image_keep_first 35628
indexfromhasse 2219
is_place_emb 462
ismaximalsubfield 553
list_to_regular_rep 294
localcomplete 63
localextdeg 1575
localextdegell 161
localhasse 903
mat2col 28322
mat_algeltfromnf 2492
matrix_perm 3857
mattocol 72342
mk_C 14
mk_H 35
mk_R 21
nextgen 63
nfgrunwaldwang 532
nfgwkummer 245
nfmakecoprime 1470
normfact_is_partial 140
out_decompose 18737
prepare_lat 11683
prepare_multipliers 11683
primlat 64351
randcol 7
random_pm1 14664
rnfcycaut 343
subcycloindep 112
testsplits 905
try_descend 4585
try_fact 17534
try_split 13057
uispow2 364

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16