Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - modules - stark.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.16.2 lcov report (development 29115-f22e516b23) Lines: 1651 1786 92.4 %
Date: 2024-05-03 08:08:58 Functions: 127 129 98.4 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
bnrstark_cyclic 0
get_prec 0
GenusFieldQuadReal 14
compocyclop 14
findquad_pol 14
galoisapplypol 14
GetValue1 35
compocyclo 35
deg0 35
do_compo 49
init_pq 49
bnrL1 70
computeP2 70
findbezk_pol 70
findquad 70
get_lambda 70
getallelts 70
getallrootsof1 70
bnrrootnumber 77
an_set0 105
isZ 119
treatspecialsigma 119
makescind 133
split_pol_quad 133
quadhilbertreal 147
get_prdiff 161
quadray 161
GetST0 189
get_i0 189
zeta_get_i0 189
InitPrimesQuad 196
bnrstark 203
mpvecpowdiv 224
QuadGetST 231
chk_reccoeff 288
init_cScT 308
ppgamma 308
CharNewPrec 322
CplxModulus 322
FindModulus 322
subgroup_classes 322
RecCoeff3 361
chk_reccoeff_init 361
GetST 385
InitChar 385
sortChars 385
AllChars 392
GenusFieldQuadImag 406
ST_alloc 420
deg11 427
ComputeKernel 448
abmap_kernel 448
divcond 448
qfbforms 455
quadhilbertimag 462
clear_cScT 497
InitPrimes 511
zeta_get_limx 511
IsGoodSubgroup 518
_data3 532
RecCoeff 539
subgp_intersect 567
quadhilbert 574
zeta_get_N0 630
AllStark 644
computean 693
AllArtinNumbers 707
get_C 707
get_ilambda 784
GCD24 813
hasexp2 813
quadray_init 847
ArtinNumber 980
L_vanishes_at_0 1029
cyc_is_cyclic 1169
GetValue 1253
ch_deg 1253
InitQuotient 1302
uhasexp2 1323
abmap_subgroup_image 1519
init_CHI_C 1526
ch_get3 1561
ComputeCoeff 1589
eval_i 1897
RecCoeff2 2002
AChi 2044
CorrectCoeff 2282
InitReduction 2282
TestOne 2338
init_CHI_alg 2450
LiftChar 3465
get_Char 3619
init_CHI 3976
InitMatAn 4039
gpq 4102
computeth2 4354
ellphistinit 4354
get_om 4354
findbezk 4424
FreeMat 6321
ellphist 8708
to_approx 8778
CharEval 13783
CharEval_n 13839
chi_get_c 17815
deg12 24337
deg2 26244
cyc2elts 42399
chi_get_deg 51352
an_set0_coprime 98351
d2 105282
an_mul 108531
d1 315902
CopyCoeff 355040
an_AddMul 355040
Polmod2Coeff 392055
_sercoeff 412236
affect_coeff 412236
get_cS_cT 521409
CHI_eval 634631
CHI_eval_n 636297
NextElt 680988
_0toCoeff 979939
MulCoeff 1485934
EvalCoeff 3626440
AddMulCoeff 6127544
IsZero 7613478
_addmulrr 51886310
_addrr 105518127

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14