hermann on Thu, 06 Jul 2023 09:19:34 +0200

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Re: How to do t_INT bit operations?

On 2023-07-05 21:22, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
Is that the way to do t_INT bit operations in GP?
Are there alternatives more like the C bit operators?
? bit<TAB>
bitand        bitnegimply   bitprecision  bitxor
bitneg        bitor         bittest

You may want to check those functions (except bitprecision)

The reference cards are also a good place to look for functions (here in
refcard.pdf, first page, section on "Operators")

Also see: binary(), valuation(), logint().

1. count trailing 0-bits: valuation(n,2).
2. count trailing 1-bits: valuation(n+1,2).

Thanks to both of you, avoided me to go into wrong direction!

cado-nfs.py was able to factor up to RSA-140 really fast, with total time divided by
elapsed time >10 on 6C/12T 7600X CPU:

I try to parallelize computation of "Mod(qnr, p)^(p\4)" for really big primes to make that computation of "sqrt(-1) (mod p)" faster by utilizing all 12 HW threads.

A very first test with splitting exponentiation into 2 and then multiply results on slow
Raspberry Pi400 shows that runtime does not get worse by doing so:

pi@pi400-64:~/RSA_numbers_factored/pari $ gp -q split.gp
prime p has
2467 decimal digits length
8193 bits length
5 bits set
pi@pi400-64:~/RSA_numbers_factored/pari $

With this split.gp:

assert(b, v, s) = { if(!(b), error(Str(v) Str(s))); }

split(n) = {
  my(l=2^(1+logint(n, 2)), a=[l,l], b=0, c);
    c = 2^valuation(n, 2);
    n = bitxor(n, c);
    a[1+b] = bitxor(a[1+b], c);
    b = !b;
  [bitxor(a[1], l), bitxor(a[2], l)]

p = 2 ^ 2 ^ 13 + 897;
\\ p = (10^10000 - 1) \ 3 - 10^6333;

print("prime p has");
print(#digits(p), " decimal digits length");
print(#binary(p), " bits length");
print(vecsum(binary(p)), " bits set");

forprime(t=2,oo,if( kronecker(t, p)==-1, qnr=t; break()));
s=lift(Mod(qnr, p)^(p\4));

assert(s^2 % p == p-1, "s^2 % p != p-1: ", s);


s1=Mod(qnr, p)^a;
s2=Mod(qnr, p)^b;

assert(s^2 % p == p-1, "s^2 % p != p-1: ", s);

