Kurt Foster on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:11:07 +0200

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Re: another simple question

On Apr 16, 2024, at 10:45 PM, American Citizen wrote:

Recently, we saw a point with thousands of digits posted with the question, what elliptic curve might have this point?

The answer was to use lindep to determine the elliptic curve, and so everything went fine.

However, I am dubious that this general approach using lindep on [y^2, xy, y, x^3, x^2, x, 1] will work when we have points of lesser heights.

Suppose we have the point [1/2, 5/8] ??

I strongly suspect that thousands perhaps millions, maybe more? elliptic curves can be found containing this point.

How can we effectively pare down the possibilities to something we can work with?


As Denis indicates, the general solution is a vector space of dimension 6. Here is a computation giving a basis for x = 1/2 and y = 5/8 with "small" (LLL reduced) integer entries. Alas, a solution for which all coefficients are integers, and the coefficients of y^2 and - x^3 are both 1, seems not to be in the cards:

? x=1/2;y=5/8;v=[y^2,x*y,y,-x^3,-x^2,-x,-1];
? w=v*denominator(v);
? M=matrix(7,7,i,j,if(i==1,w[j],0));
? K=matkerint(M)
%4 =
[0 0 0 0 0 -4]

[0 0 0 0 -2 1]

[1 1 1 -1 1 0]

[1 -1 1 1 0 0]

[0 1 0 1 0 -1]

[1 1 -1 0 0 0]

[0 0 1 -1 0 -1]


The dependencies are the columns of K.

If you have one "nice" solution where the coefficients of y^2 and -x^3 are both 1, a slight variation of the above calculation gives a 4- dimensional LLL reduced lattice of integer "translates" giving other curves, with the coefficients of y^2 and -x^3 also equal to 1. Take

v = [x*y, y, -x^2, - x, -1];
w = v*denominator(v);

This worked quickly for the "game" point. However, the entries of K were nowhere near as small as the original coefficients.